Arena37°C Special [07.2009] – Ruki
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читать дальше- Being able to face these things through your lyrics might have rescued (someone). Speaking of which: I case you would not have your lyrics to write, what do you think you’d be doing instead?
[In case I didn’t have my lyrics to write, I’d probably write a lot in my blog. (laughs) However, that would probably be a world of one continuous monologue. (laughs)]
- Certainly. (laughs) Then, how to get out of it?
[Hmm…how to get out of it, then? It is more like spitting it out. I am not that patient. I think this is still bigger (than a blog).]
- I see. So what is Gazette to you then?
[Gazette is me. All of myself. And just that.]
- What would you do, if Gazette wasn’t there now?
[I think, I’d still be in a band. If I wasn’t supposed to be in a band…well, I can’t think of anything. (laughs) Actually, I think I wouldn’t really be able to just lead a normal life like that. (laughs)]
- Have you ever thought about what would happen, if Gazette was to break up and cease to exist?
[No, I haven’t. Gazette won’t break up. I won’t let it. Therefore, I haven’t thought about it.]
- So there is no imagination towards a break-up?
[There isn’t. (laughs)]
- And about going solo then?
[I can’t see it. (laughs) For our band, there really seems to be no image of going solo.]
- And are the other members thinking like that, too?
[They do. I know that they / I would do it for a single project, somehow, though, it would all end up to be the same as with the band.]
- Therefore, it wouldn’t have any meaning.
[It wouldn’t, yes.]
- From here on, what would you like Gazette to express?
[I think if we could keep on expressing, what we are these days, it would be a good thing. The songs and the topics might change and the things I say and would like to convey might differ, however, being able to eventually convey everything we are, is what I am thinking of. We don’t want to calm down either. We won’t change from who we are now or who we have been in the past, we will still be doing the things we want to do with all our edges. Still, I don’t think we will do anything extremely out of place for us.]
- That doesn’t mean though, that you lost your heart for progress, it just means, that you would like to express who you are in a very natural way, doesn’t it?
[It does, yes.]
- In that sense, what would you like Gazette to be taken as? Well, of course when it comes to being interpreted, there are decisions to be interpreted by, but just as yourself, what would you like Gazette to be taken in as?
[Just as people see us. I think it’s ok, just the way they see us. I don’t really want to insist on anything. If people don’t see us as rock musicians, then it doesn’t really matter if we are not seen as such. It really doesn’t matter as what people look at us. However, I think there is probably a part in us, which can be seen as rock musicians. I, myself think, that the Southern All Stars (for example) convey a very strong feeling of rock artists. On the other hand, they are certainly more of pop-musicians, with music, which is very easy to be listened to, I think. And even though they might be seen as a pop band, I think they have a very rocky feeling to themselves. People think about such things very individually. How they take people in. Therefore, I don’t insist on people looking at us in a certain way, they should just see us as what they like (about us).]
- So you leave it to them?
[Yes. Lately, I really don’t worry about what people say to me about such things anymore. I’m not upset about it. Now we will keep moving on anyway and that’s just it.]
- In the past, have there been times, when you wanted to show the band in a certain way and the band to be seen in that way, too? Like a really die-hard image?
[There was. Actually pretty strongly. It had been a pain to build up Gazette from what it had been in the past to what it is now in its style. Aaah...but well… we did it, even though there have been things to regret, too.]
- hm? That you did it?
[In truth, even as we have been walking towards this style of now, we had been thinking about a different route, there had been feelings of heading in a different direction. Well, this regret however has become an extremely great experience, when looking at it now and I think it wasn’t for nothing. Because that had been, I can think about it like that now. I think it was a good thing. I can feel the difference between winning and losing with music now. Well, even as I talk about winning and losing with music only, I think it was necessary to disclose a bit about myself in that aspect. And we will continue to do that, as music is for us the one thing we would like to convey things with and the one we are best at. I hope we can continue to bring these things we need to say across like that still. Also, this is call including goods and photo-books and photo shooting like this and just all of it, too. Including all of that, is what Gazette is.]
- Simply all of it.
[Yes. All of it is Gazette. Therefore, it isn’t even a problem if people like us because the photographs are cool. The pictures aren’t music, and even if they are the reason why we are thought to be cool, it is Gazette in the end. This just makes me purely happy, I think.]
- In the past, you wanted people to acknowledge your music in the first place?
[Yes, I did. At first that has probably it. Of course, even now this is the most important point, I think. However, we have become a bit more open towards that now. Well, if photographs and goods and interviews is what we are, we have enough self-esteem to face these things without lying and have come to think that these things are (parts of us), which are not music. Moreover, as I worked really hard on things like the CD jackets and (the concepts of) photo shootings, I really come to like them.]
- I see. Often something bands are clashing together with is, when they are regarded as idols, these days.
[Ah, well we did, too.]
- At the time, when you had been opposed towards being seen as an idol, what exactly had been the things you disliked, then?
[It must have been a misunderstanding on our part as well, but for us bands aren’t idols, and attached to that word [idol] had always been that certain image of [pretence/coquetry]. That had been at a time when we really didn’t want to play up to that, and being seen as that would have been terrible. However, when you can think of this idol image not just like that, you start to calm down about it. Honestly, right now there is no stress (concerning that), and we can just believe, that we are able to bring across, what we (really) think / believe in.]
- From now on, what would you like to do with Gazette?
[Good question, what would I like to do?]
- I there a place you’d want to play at?
[As for a certain place to play at, there really isn’t one. I’m just happy to be able to play lives at any place, really. Compared to the past, the places I wanted to play at really aren’t present (in my head) anymore. Well, this is probably not the answer I should give for Gazette, when speaking of what we would like to do from here on. However, I just think, if we ever come to make rock music, will there be a time, when we can sell, too?]
- In Japan it seems, rock music hasn’t rooted much yet. Yeah, that’s what I think.
[How could it be then? Moreover, I still think we haven’t surpassed out sempais yet, it seems. Also even our sempais have not settled at where they are yet. However, if any band is ever to surpass their sempais and just be people of the present, the Japanese rock scene will end, I think. To achieve that, what could we actually do as Gazette? What could we want to do? I think, just keeping that in mind and practicing towards that is just as good. This year I had been at Kuroyume’s last live and I thought it had been incredibly great. I really like that band and came to like them all over, I think. Even though it had been their last live, they didn’t really play any of their songs which sold well. This had been a really contradicting feel, as it seemed so removed from the usually sensations of being Japanese. I really liked it at that place, though and I was very happy, that I liked them all over again. At that time I really wanted to be Gazette a band being thought of just like that. This was a very good motivation. I really hope to be like that. I think this is being a rock musician - as a band and as a living]
- Then lastly, as Ruki, what do you want to be like?
[I don’t want to lie. Without lies and without compromise, without losing my hearing to the things around me, I think it is necessary for me to keep listening to people properly. I will try to listen in all cases necessary and live my fullest to the nerves, I think.]
@темы: джей-рок etc., the GazettE перевод текста песни, Така