Геральт и Россомаха! Я, как большой фанат диких и невообразимых кроссоверов, аплодирую стоя :hlop:
Идея сама по себе офигенна, вот бы кто-то действительно это дело написал)) К сожалению, похождения таких суровых чуваков я описывать не умею...

Wolvie and the Witcher by Pulvis on DeviantArt

И комментарий автора, без него никуда.
"So, i suddenly had this mad Crossover/AU idea where Logan ends up in Geralt’s world (probably by way of Siri and her space/time travelling). At first, they’re both kinda weary and careful (and snarky) around each other, but then they get to take down a bunch of monsters together and become best friends forever and travel around the world taking up contracts. can you imagine all the double sass ? the amount of dad jokes they can throw at each other and laugh at while everybody else is just standing there face palming? The kick ass fighting combos where Geralt just tosses Logan at monsters and sits back to enjoy the show? The amount of beer these two are capable of consuming? Also, i think Geralt would be very interested in Logan’s mutations, especially his regeneration abilities. probably he would sulk somewhere in the corner about how no witcher school didn’t come up with a mutation gene with that kind of bonus. In turn Logan would impressed by Geralt’s signs and sword game. All in all, this is a kick ass AU idea. Good job, brain." (с) Pulvis

@темы: бугагашечки, арт, сиюминутное, фоткоспам, кроссоверы, цитаты, фанарт, ночное бдение, marvel, perfection., вскрытие показало, что пациент умер от передоза красоты., ...and the whole terrible wonderful Universe of imposibilities (c), Ведьмак